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- /* This example use of jpeg.library loads the jpeg file specified
- on the command line and saves a version halved in size to
- 'RAM:halved.jpg'. It uses de/compress hooks to store/supply the image
- data to/from jpeg.library. This example uses memory based jpeg
- streams for the source/destination images.
- Does NOT support greyscale jpegs (not implemented in this application
- but jpeg.library supports them).
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include "jpeg/jpeg.h"
- #include "jpeg/jpeg_protos.h"
- #include "jpeg/jpeg_pragmas.h"
- /* Function prototypes */
- __saveds __asm storeline( register __a0 void *scanline, register __d0 ULONG line, register __d1 ULONG bytes, register __a1 void *userdata );
- __saveds __asm getline( register __a0 UBYTE **scanline, register __d0 ULONG line, register __d1 ULONG width, register __a1 void *userdata );
- extern struct Library *DOSBase;
- struct Library *JpegBase;
- void main( int argc, char **argv )
- {
- JpegBase = OpenLibrary( "jpeg.library", NULL );
- if ( JpegBase != NULL )
- {
- ULONG err;
- struct JPEGDecHandle *jph;
- struct JPEGComHandle *jpc;
- UBYTE *buffer;
- ULONG x, y;
- BPTR fp, out;
- UBYTE colourspace;
- fp = Open( argv[1], MODE_OLDFILE );
- out = Open( "ram:halved.jpg", MODE_NEWFILE );
- if ( fp != NULL && out != NULL )
- {
- err = AllocJPEGDecompress( &jph, JPG_SrcFile, fp, TAG_DONE );
- if ( !err )
- {
- err = GetJPEGInfo( jph,
- JPG_Width, &x, JPG_Height, &y,
- JPG_ColourSpace, &colourspace,
- JPG_ScaleNum, 1, JPG_ScaleDenom, 2,
- if ( !err )
- {
- printf( "colourspace=%d\n", colourspace );
- printf( "scaled by half to %dx %d\n", x, y );
- buffer = AllocRGBFromJPEG( jph,
- JPG_ScaleNum, 1, JPG_ScaleDenom, 2,
- if ( buffer != NULL )
- {
- err = DecompressJPEG( jph, JPG_DecompressHook, storeline,
- JPG_DecompressUserData, buffer,
- JPG_ScaleNum, 1, JPG_ScaleDenom, 2,
- if ( !err )
- {
- err = AllocJPEGCompress( &jpc, JPG_DestFile, out, TAG_DONE );
- if ( !err )
- {
- err = CompressJPEG( jpc,
- JPG_CompressHook, getline,
- JPG_CompressUserData, buffer,
- JPG_Width, x, JPG_Height, y,
- if ( !err )
- {
- printf( "jpeg saved ok\n" );
- }
- else printf( "compress jpeg error:%d\n", err );
- FreeJPEGCompress( jpc );
- }
- else printf( "alloc jpeg error:%d\n", err );
- }
- else printf( "decompress jpeg error:%d\n", err );
- FreeJPEGRGBBuffer( buffer );
- }
- else printf( "cant allocate rgb buffer\n" );
- }
- else printf( "get jpeg info error:%d\n", err );
- FreeJPEGDecompress( jph );
- }
- else printf( "alloc jpeg error:%d\n", err );
- }
- else printf( "cant open source or target file\n" );
- if ( fp != NULL ) Close( fp );
- if ( out != NULL ) Close( out );
- }
- if ( JpegBase != NULL ) CloseLibrary( JpegBase );
- }
- __saveds __asm storeline( register __a0 void *scanline, register __d0 ULONG line, register __d1 ULONG bytes, register __a1 void *userdata )
- {
- UBYTE *buffer = userdata;
- CopyMem( scanline, buffer + ( ( line - 1 ) * bytes ), bytes );
- return NULL;
- }
- __saveds __asm getline( register __a0 UBYTE **scanline, register __d0 ULONG line, register __d1 ULONG width, register __a1 void *userdata )
- {
- UBYTE *buffer = userdata;
- *scanline = &buffer[ width * 3 * line ];
- return NULL;
- }